Tag Archives: rebirth

The eerie cemetery Visit )O(

Merry meet all,

The other day I visited a cemetery. I often like to visit cemeteries and this particular spooky day was perfect for that. It is late March here but early spring. Crocuses are popping up everywhere. However, as you can see in the photo above, my attention was drawn to the misty eeriness of the cemetery. I took several photos of the cemetery situated next to the Public Gardens. 



















Trees stand out from the somber fog. The fog makes the cemetery appear ethereal, like you had crossed a threshold into the Otherworld. The tombstones add to the inescapable feel of death. It creeped me out, being there. When I left, after taking many photos, and I had crossed the threshold of the cemetery, I felt freed of something. Free of death’s grip? Free of the spirits whose icy fingers clung to me, pulling me to join them in their prison? One can only guess. The air felt less heavy when I reached the sidewalk. 

Spring is here. The ground is less frozen and now muddy. Daffodils and crocuses pop up on lawns, greeting spring with their cheery faces. But in that cemetery, Time and Death stood still and held hands. Spring slumbers there yet. 

Personally, I am grateful for spring’s return. I suppose that is due to my restlessness. It is very contradictory. I want to sleep or I feel restless. Spring is change. Spring is fresh new life. Spring ushers in foals, eggs, chicks, hens, neighing horses and shrieking jays. As much as I love the gothic atmosphere of the cemetery, I am a gardener. For the last few weeks, I have tended to my starter herbs and veggies. I take care of them and I have taken good care of my cat, who shares in my eagerness for warmer days. I spied a small bird nest up high in a tree on the nature trail a while ago. 

Winter is hard for my dear cat. I can’t have the screen door open all day for her the way I do in summer. She doesn’t understand that. I can only imagine how bored she is. Lately she has taken to attacking her big bag of cat food. 

Last night, I watched the new Ghostbusters movie: Ghostbusters: Frozen Empire. I loved it. I was late so I missed the previews and the very beginning of the movie but I sure enjoyed the rest. I would highly recommend anyone who is curious to grab some popcorn and a friend, and go see the movie in theatres. 

The ethereal eeriness of the cemetery is like one last swan song of the dark half of the year before the sun engulfs the world. I am happy to have visited the cemetery to experience the chill of death, the reminder of mortality. I know spring is around the corner, slowly tiptoeing in and soon to kick the darkness to the curb. 

Spooky cemeteries and ghost busting movies! I even got a Batman doll souvenir! I do love theatre popcorn!

Blessings, Spiderwitch


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The Herbs of Winter Solstice )O(

Merry meet all,

I made a wreath frame! I used the wood from the trees on the nature trail. I am so happy with how it turned out. The best part is, aside from the fact that the wood smells like spruce or pine, is that it is reusable. Winter Solstice is almost here! 










I used silver fir, silver birch, cedar and witch hazel to make the wreath. I think it is beautiful. I chose those trees because the wood is more pliable.  I cleaned the needles and leaves off of the branches then cleaned the branches. I dried them and then attempted to make the wreath. I pre bent the wood to make it work for the wreath. This is a good tip. That helps it bend when you make the wreath. I also used string, wire and my hot glue gun. Once I had a pieces of wood bent and where I wanted it, then I didn’t need the hot glue gun as much. I want to add 1 more silver fir branch to fill in the gaps then I will add the spruce and herbs. I really enjoyed making the wreath but it had its moments, like getting the wood to cooperate. I think that the silver fir was the easiest to bend. That and cedar, but the cedar tree here is my neighbour’s tree. I can’t use that wood. The wood is even a lovely colour and has a beautiful scent! 

I love how my wreath turned out. Winter Solstice is on its way! I am in the spirit of Yule and I have already decorated my goth tree! I am so happy that I won a contest with Weird Little Worlds press. I can’t wait to receive my prizes! I have no idea what I am getting so that makes it more exciting. 

I want to talk about which herbs are best for the Winter solstice. The natural beautiful herbs can be found in your own home, in your neighbourhood or in a park. Get outdoors! Let’s go for a walk and see what we find. The most common herbs for Yule are cinnamon, frankincense, bay leaves, pine, juniper, cedar, rosemary, oranges, mistletoe, oak, thyme, sage and oregano. Pinecones, spruce needles and hawthorn are good herbs for Yule. I will now discuss how these herbs can be of benefit this holiday season. 

Juniper berries symbolize cleansing and purifying a space. The berries are also good for protection and purification. 

Cinnamon is good for warmth, protection and prosperity. Cinnamon has such a lovely earthy aroma. 

Cloves have a beautiful aroma too. Cloves promote healing and protection – from the Yule lads!

  • “Thyme, subtle yet powerful, is a herb that weaves itself into the solstice tapestry with threads of courage and purification. It’s a reminder of the resilience of nature, and its aromatic leaves help to fortify our spirits during the introspective winter months.
  • Nutmeg, a fragrant whisper of the tropical lands, brings its mystical warmth to the solstice. It’s a spice that conjures up the magic of the moment, enhancing our connection to the spiritual realm and the inner joy of the festive season.
  • Chamomile, known for its calming and soothing effects, becomes a comforting ally during the long nights, offering relaxation and promoting restful sleep. Other herbs such as rosemary, juniper, and frankincense hold their own significance, each contributing to the enchanting tapestry of winter solstice traditions.
  • Rosemary,with its needle-like leaves, is a robust herb of the solstice, revered for its ability to strengthen memory and uplift the spirit. It’s a symbol of remembrance during the longest night, reminding us of the evergreen aspects of life, even in the depths of winter.
  • Frankincense,with its ancient and wise scent, is a resin that calls to mind the sacred and the divine. It’s used to elevate the mind, opening the inner pathways to meditation and deep contemplation. Its smoke is said to carry our prayers and intentions up to the heavens, making it a powerful addition to winter solstice ceremonies.
  • Peppermint, crisp and invigorating, cuts through the winter’s chill. It’s a herb that stimulates the senses and invigorates the soul. A cup of peppermint tea can awaken the mind and body, making it an excellent herb for staying alert and cheerful during the solstice’s introspective moments.
  • Pine,with its clean and fresh fragrance, symbolizes resilience and longevity. It’s a reminder of the green that will return to the world. Pine boughs are often strewn across the solstice hearth or used to make wreaths, representing the eternal cycle of growth and rebirth.
  • Holly, with its vibrant red berries and deep green leaves, stands as a symbol of everlasting life. It’s a plant that holds a special place in winter solstice lore, representing the enduring nature of life and the hope that shines even in the darkness.
  • Mistletoe, a sacred plant of the druids, is revered for its mystical properties and its role in ancient solstice ceremonies. It’s a symbol of peace and love, and hanging it in the home is said to bring good fortune and protection.”

Credit given to https://www.outdoorapothecary.com/winter-solstice-herbs/

I hope this helps you all find creative ways to use these herbs for the Winter Solstice. You can use these herbs in decorating a wreath, a winter solstice simmering potpourri on the stove, you can dehydrate oranges and use them in decorations, and you can make your home smell like Yule! There is no limit, the only limit is in your imagination. 

Blessings, Spiderwitch )O(


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Samhain Celebrations

Samhain is almost here. The energy of autumn crackles in the air. Today’s post is from another fellow Witch and she shares many ways to celebrate Samhain. Dust off your cauldrons!

Write a Samhain Journal Entry

Take a few minutes from your day and write down the changes you would like to see moving forward. What things are you ready to let go of and what goals are you ready to really tackle?

Many consider this the Witches New Year and it’s a perfect time for planning new beginnings.

Make a Witchy Bucket List

Make a list of all of the things you would like to accomplish in your spiritual practice in the days, weeks, and months ahead. Perhaps you want to learn more about herbs, kitchen magick, start a Grimoire/BOS, or begin connecting with a deity. Maybe all of those things!

Write them down and check them off throughout the year as you accomplish them. I don’t know about you but checking things off a list always makes me feel accomplished.

Have a Nature Walk

A wonderful way to celebrate Samhain, and any other Sabbat really. Take a few minutes from your day, go outside, and connect with nature.

Autumn is such a glorious season. As you are walking clear your mind and really take in your surroundings,the trees, the colours, the scents of fall, the way the air feels on your face. And during your walk give thanks to mother earth for all that she does for us.

Do a Meditation to Honour Your Ancestors

A meditation doesn’t need to be an hour long. Even if you can only spare 10 minutes from your day for this you will feel good that you took the time to make it happen. 

Sit somewhere quiet and take these few minutes to remember your loved ones who have passed on, think of happy memories, their smile, their favourite things and let them know they are in your heart and with you always.

Honouring those who have passed on is an integral part of Samhain and shouldn’t be forgotten.

Do a Quick Tarot Reading for Yourself

Even just a little three card reading can be beneficial to see a glimmer of what may be in store this year and give you a bit to think about in terms of you path and the directions and changes you will make moving forward.

Celebrate Samhain & Halloween with Decorations!

Embrace the symbols and colours of the season.

Surround yourself with pumpkins, skulls, ghosty things, and maybe carve a pumpkin. Decorating is a hugely fun part of the holiday, and a fun activity to do with the little ones if you happen to have any running around.

Bake a Halloween Treat Symbolizing New Beginnings

There is always some baking going on in my house for Samhain and Halloween. No reason not to infuse a little magick into your  treats this year.

Enjoying some special goodies is also a staple part of the season. Most holidays have food involved and Samhain is no different.

Light Candles for Your Loved Ones

Light candles for your loved ones as a sign of remembrance. 

You can place them in the window to help guide them on their journey this night where the veil is thinned and spirits roam.

Light a Candle for Yourself

Light a candle and recite affirmations for yourself.

Things you would like to see yourself accomplish in the coming weeks and months. Candle work is a mini fire ritual on its own, no huge bonfire required.

Have a Ritual Bath

A peaceful bath with some candles, maybe some oils and salts, to release negativity is a timely activity to perform on Samhain.

Releasing any negative energies that you have built up in order to enter this new year feeling cleansed and refreshed.

Cleanse Your Space

We don’t want to forget about our homes as well!

Simply burning appropriate herbs and walking through each room of your house will do the trick. Walk throughout your home slowly, focusing your energies and visualizing any negativity lifting away out into the aether.

It’s Not Halloween Without Costumes!

We usually have a party at our place and costumes are required lol. Alas, this year there will be no gathering of friends but that’s no excuse to not really have some fun and get into costume!

And it’ll be fun for the trick or treaters, if trick or treating is still happening in your area. And if not, just get dressed up and have a photoshoot, because let’s be honest that is always a good time!

Tell Ghost Stories

Samhain is steeped in lore about ghosts, ghouls, demons, and the like. All of these otherworldly creatures are said to walk the earth during Samhain when the veil between worlds is at it’s thinnest.

Embrace the spookier side of the season, make a hot bevvy and tell some stories. If you’re brave enough that is!

And you can check out this article from Reader’s Digest to get you started: The 13 Most Haunted Places in the World.

Watch a Scary Movie

What would this season be without some good jump scares. ‘Halloween’ anyone?

Charge Your Crystals

This Samhain is also a Full Moon. Take advantage of that energy and set your crystals outside to charge.

Charging your crystals under a Full Moon is a powerful way to re-invigorate their energies, and doing so under a Samhain Full Moon will be doubly so.

Host a Dumb Supper

During your evening meal leave a place setting empty for your loved ones who have passed and eat your meal in silence. 

If you don’t want to do the silent part you can still leave out the empty place setting. This literally takes no extra time out of your day.

Add Some Samhain Pages to Your BOS or Grimoire

If you keep a Book of Shadows or Grimoire add some info in there on Samhain.

If you already have pages on the Sabbat there is always something new you can add in. Some facts you maybe didn’t know or a new ritual perhaps. Be creative!

Keeping one of these is a wonderful outlet for both your practice and your creative spirit.

Create a Space to Honour Your Ancestors or Loved Ones

You can add these things to your altar if you have one but if not, you can simply set up a little space for them somewhere in your home.

You can put pictures, flowers, foods, and some of their favourite things. A simple and wonderful way to show remembrance.

Let Your Hair Down and Dance 

Dance has long been associated with celebration and life.

Crank up your favourite seasonal tunes and let yourself go. Dancing is a wonderful way to release energies from the body and can have you feeling refreshed and rejuvenated. Just what the new year called for.

Make Moon Water

Fill a glass jar with water and focus your intentions on what the water will be used for, take your time with this process so that your focus is clear. Leave the jar outside over night to soak up those awesome Full Moon energies.

Celebrate Life

While this can be a somber day when we are missing our loved ones, it is also a day that should be filled with life and celebration. 

This can mean anything that you feel is celebrating and honouring life. Indulge in your favourite foods, read a book, dance around your house, have sex…whatever it may be cherish the moments and really LIVE.

There you have it! 

These ideas, especially some of them, should be fairly easy to incorporate into your day if you are crunched for time.

Pick one or two that really call out to you and do them with vigour. Really enjoy the moments, take them in, and savour them.

You can of course do as many of them as you wish or spend more time on any of them if you have it. Take a long luxurious bath, do an hour-long meditation, perform a lengthier ritual, or dedicate your whole day and do 15 different things lol. You do what resonates with you and what your schedule will allow.

If you feel you got the most out of your day and are happy with how you celebrated, that is what truly matters.

You can also check out my full post on Samhain Celebrations and Correspondences for some more ideas and inspiration if you wish.

Your turn! Tell me your Samhain wishes!

Do you normally celebrate Samhain,  Halloween, or both? How will you be celebrating this year? I always love to hear your thoughts, so please leave a comment or drop me a line. There are lots of ways for us to connect

And if you enjoyed the post, remember you can SUBSCRIBE, receive your Mini Autumn Grimoire Bundle for FREE, and be the first to know about new content and exclusive freebies!

Blessings, Spiderwitch 

Credit to: https://www.thewholesomewitch.com/ways-celebrate-samhain-halloween/

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Filed under Paranormal and Witchy Fiction, Samhain, seeds

Horror Novels

Merry meet all,

I feel fall in the air.  The leaves are turning (already? gulp), the air feels crisp and I am just waiting for pumpkins to hit the shelves. The asters have bloomed which is a good sign of fall coming. The bees are busy gathering all the pollen they can. 

I have started chard and beans from seed in small pots. There is still time to grow them and if the frost hits, I can grow them indoors with the grow light kit. I switched the beige table cloth on my kitchen table to my black spiderweb lace tablecloth. I also dressed my altar for Mabon. Much as I am resisting fall, I’m embracing it as well. It is inevitable. I am just angsty for my garden. I’m also working on a corn doll for Mabon. I even made a broom from herb twig stems. A few herbs are soaking in a bowl of water to let the bugs escape. I plan to use them with the corn doll. I will post pictures later when I am finished the corn doll. 

I am also hoping to get elecampane to sprout from seed. I put a few seeds on a damp paper towel in a ziplock bag. Last night, I did a full moon ritual. It felt so good. it has been a long time since I did a full moon Rit and now I plan to get way back into my magic craft. 

Speaking of magic, as I gaze out my window, a spider has caught a big bug in his web. The spider twirled the bug around and around and hangs on tight despite the breeze hitting the web. The poor bug doesn’t stand a chance. It is amazing to witness and yet it repulses me. This is the fascinating twin nature of Mother Nature: life and death twined into one. Every August, there are suddenly so many spiders. The hard part is that the bug is still alive. That is what is hardest for me. I can understand something suffering then dying quick. But this bug in the cocoon at that spider’s mercy is still alive. I can tell by the way it’s upper legs twitch. It has to endure all that. For a reason unknown to me, spiders love to weave their webs at my bedroom/ office window. I am fascinated by spiders though. I know most people don’t feel the way I do. They would likely have a harder time living here. I live near a nature trail where there are lots and lots of industrious insects. The spider tugged his unwilling prey away. I have had enough of that. 

I stored herbs in jars last night. I dried them in my dehydrator all day yesterday and that was when I understood why I bought the dehydrator. It was so easy, so simple and cut out so much drying time. I plan to use my dehydrator a lot more often. I usually dry herbs on a screen or on my air drying rack but that took out all the work for me I usually do. Yup I have officially upgraded to a dehydrator. I love it. I dried lovage, Thai basil, mugwort, goldenrod, lemon balm, red clover, dandelion leaves, chamomile and St. John’s Wort. 

Samhain is sixty two days away! It is time to prepare. I can’t believe that time of year is here. Curl up with a few good horror books. I can’t get enough of it. I have had the privilege lately of reading some damn good horror fiction. The first novel on my list is The Twisted Ones by Kingfisher. I could not put this book down. The suspense killed me, the characters were amazing and the scary creatures were original. If I saw those creatures staring into my window at night and I was alone in the country, I would freak out too. Next on the list is The Devil Takes you home by Gabino Iglesias. Read. This. Book. I had a hard time muscling my way past a few gruesome scenes in the book but it kept me riveted till the end. I cried for Mario. The situation he ended up in was so tragic and I found his predicament very believable. This novel is terrifying. Read it with the lights on! The next novel on my list is My Heart is a Chainsaw. I am not sure if this classifies as horror. I wasn’t that scared. My Heart is a Chainsaw is a brilliant character driven novel. If you want to get deep into the heart and mind of the main character and the mystery in the town, then this is the novel for you. 

Those novels will definitely get you in the mood for a spooky Samhain. The next novel I plan to read is Devil’s Creek by Todd Keisling, and that is another damn good horror book. I plan to keep writing and working on my own projects too. 

I have to get going but I will post soon. Till then, keep writing and stay spooky!

Blessings, Spiderwitch


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Samhain celebrations )O(

Merry meet all,

Today I harvested the remaining scarlet runner beans that the slugs hadn’t devoured. I cut the vines and left the roots in. The roots have good nutrients that will benefit the soil. Who knows? Maybe they will regrow next year. 

Samhain is almost here. Yesterday I baked a cake. I haven’t frosted it yet. I want to share a secret ingredient idea I had with my dear readers. I made candied walnuts. I soaked the walnuts in brandy before drying them and grinding the walnuts to a powder. The powder is a little clumpy. I added it to the blender in small batches and then froze it. I added it in to the cake batter. I can’t wait to see how the cake tastes. Today I am going to frost the cake and I promise to post about that too.

It has rained a lot today. It had better not rain on the most notorious, magickal night of the year, October 31st. I have plans as do the many other millions out there with hopes high in their hearts. Samhain/ Halloween is not just for kids- adults have joined in on the dark revelry. There are many rituals and  fun activities to try. Read on to learn more. 

Samhain is a time to honour the dead and our ancestors. We often perform many rituals in celebration of the season of death. The leaves trickle to the earth, bedecked in fiery heartwarming colours. A special dinner is prepared and enjoyed to celebrate the harvest. 

I love a long nature walk in the fall. I encourage you all to go on a nature walk outdoors. Observe the colours, the brown seedbeds, and the aromas of leaves, the sounds of crisp leaves falling. Gather some nature objects such as pinecones, seedbeds of your favourite flowers, dried leaves to dip in beeswax, acorns, flowers still fresh. An herbal tea can be made and enjoyed from goldenrod, scentless mayweed (wild chamomile) and asters. Dry the herbs then store them in a jar. Use them to adorn your home. 

Set up your altar. I purposely bought a lovely new altar cloth at one of my fave alternate stores, The Black Market. I love going there. The black cloth has a cool astrology circle on it with white stars and the astrological symbols. Use grave rubbings, images of ghosts, images of your ancestors, acorns, oak leaves, squash, root vegetables in a cornucopia. 

Perform a Samhain ceremony. A dumb supper is performed with one single person or the whole family present (more fun that way!). First, gather everyone around. That can be your coven or your family. Go outside, find yard trimmings or dead plants- remember those seed heads? Use them to make a straw man or woman. I go with the Goddess more so I plan to make a straw doll to represent the Goddess. This will go nicely with my Samhain offering of honey, milk and cornmeal. 

You can bring the doll inside and decorate the doll with antlers for the male God or a dress for the Goddess. Offer the straw deity doll bread and cornmeal. (I wish I had some tobacco). Then everyone else partakes of the meal. Just be sure to serve your deity doll first. 

Leave crumbs for the birds. You can return the doll outside to watch over the garden on a pole to stand guard over next year’s seedlings and burn the doll at the Beltane celebration. When you are finished with the meal, take the leftovers outside as an offering for the dead. 

Make an ancestors altar. Collect photographs, mementos, of deceased loved ones and pets. Arrange them on your altar and light candles. Light the candles in their memory and quietly sit and reflect. Pay attention to any messages you receive. Heed your dreams. You can keep the ancestor altar up as long as you want. 

Guide the Spirits. I like to light a white candle and set it at a window. You could use a seven-day candle. When you light the candle say these words: “O little flame that burns so bright, be a beacon on this night. Light the path for all the dead, that they may see now what’s ahead. And lead them to the Summerland and shine until Pan takes their hands. And with Your light, please bring them peace, that they may rest and sleep with ease.” 

Perform a seance. Samhain is the perfect time to hold a tradition. Hold a bonfire. I plan to do this one! Well yes a seance but I just love to sit out on my back step on a chilly yet dry October evening, with a fire raging in my toddler sized cauldron. Did you see what I did there? lol. Use tarot, runes, and or scrying to divine your future or find a future mate!

Invoke your chosen deities. Honour and call on the Gods such as the Crone Goddess and the Horned God of nature. Invite them in to your circle and to aid in your understanding of life, death and rebirth. 

Herbs of Samhain There are many herbs to use to celebrate Samhain. I want to bake a loaf of rosemary bread this Samhain. Rosemary is for remembrance. For more guidance, sage, pine cones, straw, mugwort, mullein, oak leaves, acorns, hazelnuts, allspice, elderberries, catnip (save some for kitty!). For more guidance on this, review my previous posts. I have been harvesting dandelion, burdock and elecampane as much as I can. 

Be sure to leave your carved pumpkin once you are done with it outside. I always toss my spent pumpkins in the garden. Trust me, the crows and other critters will thank you. It is cold for them and they love every bite they can get. It benefits the soil by leaving valuable nutrients in the soil for next year’s spring plantings. 

Happy Samhain! I wish you all a good celebration!

Blessings, Spiderwitch

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Samhain Rituals


Merry meet all,

The wind sings in the trees. The sun sparkles over my street, casting a bright glow on the leaves. The blue sky is clear. It’s a beautiful October morning. A lively morning for October.

Samhain Prayers. Samhain is the time to honor the dead and a time for death and rebirth. Light a candle and meditate on what this time means to you. Record the experience in your Book of Shadows. Here is an example of a prayer:

Corn has been shucked, 
grain has been threshed, 
herbs have been hung to dry. 
Grapes have been pressed, 
potatoes have been dug, 
beans have been shelled and canned. 
It is the harvest season, 
and food is ready for winter. 
We will eat, and we will live,
and we will be grateful.

Now  who can resist a Samhain ritual? I can’t. Use black and orange candles, a black velvet altar cloth, a cauldron, red candle for fire, clean candleholders, a silver athame. Velvet is such a sensual material. This is the time to go all out on your altar. The magic works better if your altar area is clean and fresh. You can celebrate Samhain as part of the ancestor ritual or do it separately. Place a photo of a loved deceased one on your altar. 

Decorate your altar with pumpkins, gourds, a skull- crystal, if you can, roots and berries, and grave rubbings. You could use graveyard irt. Be sure to get the dirt ethically. Be respectful. Usually at Samhain many Wiccans Pagans perform a dumb supper. You solemnly honor the dead and your loved one who passed. If you are sharing the meal with family members, you can choose to speak during the ritual. 

Set the table with a dark-colored plate and set mead, wine, dark breads, and cheese on the table. Serve yourself and the other family members. Set an extra dinner plate for the ancestors. Light the candles. A serving of each food goes on the ancestors’ plate before the family members or yourself. Remember that you don’t speak during the dumb supper. Leave the food as an offering for the spirits outside. 

Let the candles burn down and leave the wine on the table for your ancestors. Think of what family means to you and what traditions you always enjoyed. You can do a separate ritual for pets. You can follow this ritual with a seance. 

Blessed Be,

Lady Spiderwitch


Filed under Altars for Samhain Rituals