Tag Archives: dolls

The Dos and Don’ts of Haunted Objects

Merry meet all,

I am so honoured to discover that my blog is included on the website 100 Best Paranormal Blogs and Websites! Wow! I am honoured. I mean this is awesome. Truly awesome. 

Today the sun’s shining hard but the cold wind lingers. That ruins my groove because I can’t wear certain tops, unless I have the equivalent of an eskimo parka on over it. Not sure why this cold wind is still here but I hope it leaves soon.

Today’s post is about how to deal with a haunted object. Enjoy!

The Dos and Don’ts of Dealing with a Haunted Object

Many people believe that objects can become Haunted. Whether you believe it or not, there are certain steps you should take if you think you have a Haunted object in your possession. In this blog post, we will go over what to do if you think an object is Haunted as well as how to remove a spirit from an object.

How Can a Spirit Become Attached to an Object?
There are two main ways that a spirit can become attached to an object: through attraction or through energy. The first instance is when the spirit is attracted to the object itself. This could be because of the material it is made out of, its color, or even its shape. The second instance is when the spirit becomes attached to the energy of the person who owns the object. This often happens with items that have been passed down through generations or have been owned by someone for a long time. The attachment can also happen if the owner was very emotional when they were using the item.

For example, if a person got very angry while using a particular tool, that tool could pick up on that anger and attract a spirit that is also angry. Or, if someone passed away while wearing a certain piece of jewelry, that jewelry could hold on to the energy of the person and their passing. There are many different circumstances in which a spirit can become attached to an object.

Can Objects Be Haunted?
The answer to this question is a little bit complicated. Technically speaking, no, an inanimate object cannot be haunted because it does not have a soul. However, what many people think of as “haunted” objects are actually just objects that have had a spirit attached to them at some point in time. So while an object cannot be haunted in and of itself, it can have all of the same symptoms as a haunted house would—things moving on their own, strange noises, etc.—because there is a spirit present.


• If you think an object is Haunted, the first thing you should do is try to figure out why the spirit is attached to the object. This can be done by researching the history of the object or talking to a medium.

• Once you know why the spirit is attached to the object, you can try to help them move on. This can be done by holding a seance or by performing a cleansing ritual. • If you are successful in helping the spirit move on, be sure to bless the object so that it does not become Haunted again.


• Do not attempt to remove a spirit from an object without knowing why they are attached to it. This can agitate the spirit and make them angry.

• Do not try to communicate with the spirit without the help of a professional medium. This can be dangerous as spirits can lash out if they feel threatened.

• Do not attempt to perform a cleansing ritual without first doing your research. Cleansing rituals can be dangerous if not performed correctly.

If you think you have a Haunted object in your possession, there are certain steps you should take. Do your research and try to figure out why the spirit is attached to the object. Once you know why they are attached, you can try to help them move on. If you are successful, be sure to blessed the object so that it does not become Haunted again. If you have any further questions or concerns, please consult with a professional medium.

Credit given to: https://paranormalacademy.co.uk/the-dos-and-donts-of-dealing-with-a-haunted-object/

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Horror Novels

Merry meet all,

I feel fall in the air.  The leaves are turning (already? gulp), the air feels crisp and I am just waiting for pumpkins to hit the shelves. The asters have bloomed which is a good sign of fall coming. The bees are busy gathering all the pollen they can. 

I have started chard and beans from seed in small pots. There is still time to grow them and if the frost hits, I can grow them indoors with the grow light kit. I switched the beige table cloth on my kitchen table to my black spiderweb lace tablecloth. I also dressed my altar for Mabon. Much as I am resisting fall, I’m embracing it as well. It is inevitable. I am just angsty for my garden. I’m also working on a corn doll for Mabon. I even made a broom from herb twig stems. A few herbs are soaking in a bowl of water to let the bugs escape. I plan to use them with the corn doll. I will post pictures later when I am finished the corn doll. 

I am also hoping to get elecampane to sprout from seed. I put a few seeds on a damp paper towel in a ziplock bag. Last night, I did a full moon ritual. It felt so good. it has been a long time since I did a full moon Rit and now I plan to get way back into my magic craft. 

Speaking of magic, as I gaze out my window, a spider has caught a big bug in his web. The spider twirled the bug around and around and hangs on tight despite the breeze hitting the web. The poor bug doesn’t stand a chance. It is amazing to witness and yet it repulses me. This is the fascinating twin nature of Mother Nature: life and death twined into one. Every August, there are suddenly so many spiders. The hard part is that the bug is still alive. That is what is hardest for me. I can understand something suffering then dying quick. But this bug in the cocoon at that spider’s mercy is still alive. I can tell by the way it’s upper legs twitch. It has to endure all that. For a reason unknown to me, spiders love to weave their webs at my bedroom/ office window. I am fascinated by spiders though. I know most people don’t feel the way I do. They would likely have a harder time living here. I live near a nature trail where there are lots and lots of industrious insects. The spider tugged his unwilling prey away. I have had enough of that. 

I stored herbs in jars last night. I dried them in my dehydrator all day yesterday and that was when I understood why I bought the dehydrator. It was so easy, so simple and cut out so much drying time. I plan to use my dehydrator a lot more often. I usually dry herbs on a screen or on my air drying rack but that took out all the work for me I usually do. Yup I have officially upgraded to a dehydrator. I love it. I dried lovage, Thai basil, mugwort, goldenrod, lemon balm, red clover, dandelion leaves, chamomile and St. John’s Wort. 

Samhain is sixty two days away! It is time to prepare. I can’t believe that time of year is here. Curl up with a few good horror books. I can’t get enough of it. I have had the privilege lately of reading some damn good horror fiction. The first novel on my list is The Twisted Ones by Kingfisher. I could not put this book down. The suspense killed me, the characters were amazing and the scary creatures were original. If I saw those creatures staring into my window at night and I was alone in the country, I would freak out too. Next on the list is The Devil Takes you home by Gabino Iglesias. Read. This. Book. I had a hard time muscling my way past a few gruesome scenes in the book but it kept me riveted till the end. I cried for Mario. The situation he ended up in was so tragic and I found his predicament very believable. This novel is terrifying. Read it with the lights on! The next novel on my list is My Heart is a Chainsaw. I am not sure if this classifies as horror. I wasn’t that scared. My Heart is a Chainsaw is a brilliant character driven novel. If you want to get deep into the heart and mind of the main character and the mystery in the town, then this is the novel for you. 

Those novels will definitely get you in the mood for a spooky Samhain. The next novel I plan to read is Devil’s Creek by Todd Keisling, and that is another damn good horror book. I plan to keep writing and working on my own projects too. 

I have to get going but I will post soon. Till then, keep writing and stay spooky!

Blessings, Spiderwitch


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Ghost Trackers UK – Interview with lead paranormal investigator Scott Bower!!


Merry meet all,

Today I’m interviewing a friend of mine, Scott Bower, who is a paranormal investigator who lives in the UK. I like his stuff because he captures genuine paranormal evidence. Ghost trackers UK is a Paranormal YouTube series that is based in the New Forest Hampshire UK that is dedicated to Paranormal and ITC research purposes only. Watch both Scott Bower and his friend Kerrylee Whetren as they both explore the UK Paranormal hot spots from Haunted houses, graveyards, Forests, Ruins, Battle Fields, Haunted dolls Abandoned buildings. Scott Bower lead Paranormal investigator and psychic medium uses his psychic ability and Paranormal equipment from Ghost boxes, Portals, EVPS , Pendulums EDI, K2 s to find the truth.Scott Bower is also a haunted dolls collector and some times he does haunted doll investigations for Paranormal experiments in investigations. Together Scott Bower and his friend Kerrylee Whetren investigates and explores the Paranormal and the unknown in the UK.

Read on to learn more about our upcoming paranormal star!


My name is Scott Bower and I am a paranormal investigator, psychic medium and the lead of my show called Ghost trackers UK on YouTube we investigate the paranormal in and around the UK, haunted locations and haunted dolls.

Why did you choose ghost hunting?
Do you believe in the paranormal?
Yes I do believe in the paranormal 100 percent.
What do you hope people get out of watching your shows?
A good genuine paranormal show experience!
What was your scariest experience or funniest?
 My scariest experience was with a haunted doll when I was 6 years old terrified me which led me in to my interest in the paranormal.
What have you learned from this?
 I have a learned a lot of things from doing the paranormal.
What advice would you give to someone just starting out?
The advice I would give would be if you are thinking of doing the paranormal please the paranormal is real treat it with respect do not interrogate spirits they do not like it. Also be safe and never go alone. 
Where do you buy your equipment?
Most of my equipment from places like eBay.
Where do you go to investigate and have you collected actual evidence of ghosts?
I go all over to investigate any where where it’s haunted haunted graveyards, ruins, battlefields, and abandoned buildings with love, light and respect.
Do you believe in ghosts? Why or why not?
I actually yes I believe in ghosts 100 percent.
I hope you enjoy this interview. I have posted a link to his Youtube page and posted a video below. 
Link to a video. Be warned, it’s genuinely spooky!
Stay spooky!!
Blessings, Spiderwitch

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Get your spook on!

Merry meet all,

I hope you enjoy this post. Its like Halloween in February. Get your spook on!!!


19 macabre and horror blogs to spook up your Halloween

Matthew Meltzer

Recently my husband made me promise to stop trolling YouTube videos after dark, especially those with keywords like “proof of ghosts” or “haunted doll comes to life.” But I get clicking along, for some reason when I’m alone, thinking I’m a big girl and can handle the next suggested video — “Real Scary Ghost Caught on Tape” or “Demon Voice Recorded in my Basement” or “Miley Cyrus ‘Wrecking Ball.’” And I just never can. My husband comes home to find me pacing around the apartment, wrapped in a blanket, convinced someone’s under the bed, the cat is possessed, and we’re living on an ancient burial ground pissing off some already angry demons.

But I love/hate it! So I decided to hunt down all the ghoulish goodness I could find. My gift to you: a list of all the creepy stuff to be found online when you’re brave (or stupid) enough to punch in the right keywords — and not one is from YouTube. Promise kept. Take that, video-that-tells-me-to-look-closely-for-the-ghost-and-then-does-the-cheap-sudden-pop-up-terrifying-face-that-makes-me-fall-out-of-my-chair-and-die-a-little — I beat you!

Happy haunting.

Blogs / sites

Murder Is Everywhere – Why not kick off this list with a spooky travel blog? Apt. The idea is “seven renowned crime writers blog from different corners of the world.” Now, I say spooky because it’s not directly scary, it’s more about the writing, the research, and the process — but as crime writers, they draw their inspiration from local mysteries and news stories. It’s interspersed with photos from around the world, so this is a good PG-rated blog to start off with.

Bones Don’t Lie – Katy, the blogger behind this one, is a (get ready) “mortuary archaeology” student. She’s getting her PhD in this eerie-sounding specialty, and thus her blog is about all the nifty and terrifying things to do with bones and death — from the mass graves of WWII, to the Mayans, to the lovely new term “Cadaveric Spasm” that’s sure to make it into my conversations sometime this week, Katy’s covered a lot of ground. Burial ground, that is.

The Dreaming Wood – This blog specializes in paganism, natural history, and witchcraft. It’s blogged by a self-identifying pagan and witch seeking the history and roots of her personal journey. Now, moving away from the pointy-hat business, I’m not adding a witch blog just to make a blanket statement that all witches are scary. I think modern witchery is probably deeply misunderstood. But this blogger’s entries are crafted with such eerie poetic language and laced with enough folklore that it makes the experience of following along akin to walking through the fog at night: nothing technically to be scared of, but a little chilling all the same.

The used key is always bright – A witch living on a threshold, she writes, “one foot in and one foot out.” Juggling more common issues like motherhood and wellness, but also mastering witchcraft, and participating in her local coven. Her list of topics includes belly butter, spinning the moon, necromancy, pagan poetry, and jello shots. Much like with the blog above, witchcraft isn’t (and probably shouldn’t be) inherently scary, but the poems, chants, and rituals — when read alone at night — might get your imagination running a little too fast for its own good.

Extreme Haunting – Despite the name, it’s not as extreme as we’ve been conditioned to desire (a la Paranormal Activity Part 12), but it’s a family’s actual experiences and documentations of the goings-on in their more than 100-year-old farmhouse. If you believe the experiences to be real, then yes, it’s extreme. They have lots of videos and images, explaining all they’ve learned along the way. Some of which involves putting in headphones and turning your speakers up to extra-extra loud — yeah right! I learned my lessons on YouTube (actually this blog has a YouTube channel but as per the introduction to this piece…I kept my promise and stayed away). But if you’re hardy, go for it. Let me know if you make it through the night.

The Anomalist – A journal exploring the variety of mysteries pertaining to science, history, and nature. The idea is that mystery is all around us, and these folks seek to prop the door open between the known and the unknown. They’re not believers, nor skeptics — not scientists, not cryptozoologists, not psychologists, just The Anomalist, covering any and all inexplicable (so far) and mysterious phenomena: from Bigfoot, to haunted dolls, to the JFK conspiracy, all is welcome.


F Yeah Creepy Shit – It’s pretty self-explanatory. It’s paranormal, supernatural, it’s creepy. It’s all over the map. Scroll as much as you can take.

Unexplained Events – Snippets and micro-posts of all things unsolved and unexplained. For whatever reason, moving to the next thing without having an answer (and repeating this process) is really unsettling.

3am Stories – Uber-creepy photos, GIFs, anonymous submissions, and micro-posts. Triple dare you to read this actually at 3am. Alone. I just read it now, during a sunny day, and had to close it down. Good luck.

Melanic Fawn – Along the same lines as the above — spooky images, stories, submissions, and GIFs make you very aware you’re reading this alone.


Amanda Norman – Amanda hails from England and is a self-proclaimed “Gothic and horror photographer.” Her specialty seems to be graveyards and eerie scenes, though interspersed is horror movie reviews, gothic jewelry, and her other niche horror portraits.

MonsterBrand – A massive, elaborate, steampunk crow mask is the center stage of this gallery. Enough said.

Elena Helfrecht – “A Morbid Mind” is this German photographer’s tagline. Shadows, motion, and layers are one surreal set called “A Heart’s Tale,” while others are twisted, bloody nightmares in the set aptly titled “Nightmares.”

Tim Walker – Having worked for Vogue for more than a decade, this London-based photographer produces images with a life of their own — romantic, dark, edgy, gothic, and macabre. Don’t scroll too fast — take in each image slowly.

The Murder in Question – Here you have it — horror photography. Dark, gory, passionate, violent, and yet some shots are almost beautiful in composition and story. A whole other side of photography. Caution: Graphic.

Leslie Ann O’Dell – Ethereal. Surreal. Dark. Lovely. An American mixed-medium artist, Leslie plays with double exposures and layers, bringing together the natural and supernatural in one image. The colors and textures in her sets are all at once moving and disturbing. Enjoy.

Mariel Clayton – All of Mariel’s images are of dolls. Barbie dolls. Barbie dolls doing strange and horrifying things to one another. The two most odd and disturbing sets are “Syllabary” — where Barbie butchers Ken over and over again in elaborate mini-scenes — and “Play Dead” — a bird’s-eye view of a detailed murder (or suicide) scene. Hailing from Canada, Mariel claims it began with her hatred of Barbie as the ideal, yet unattainable and completely shallow perception of a woman, and her imagination went from there. Despite it being Barbie dolls, I’ll label this one as graphic too.

Joshua Hoffine – Whatever you want to call these pieces, Joshua is a master of it. Setting up entire scenes — essentially a small movie set — for a single photo including props, costumes, makeup, and even building a set from scratch. The kicker: His own children and wife are often the models in these elaborate, horrifying scenes. Joshua calls it horror photography, and claims he is interested in “the psychology of fear,” especially in children, and what that means to us as adults. Click the above link for his blog, which includes behind-the-scenes images, and then check out his final images at www.joshuahoffine.com. Intense, with some graphic shots.

Miss Lakune – Fashion meets the Saw movies in images by this Polish photographer. Surreal portraits steeped in blood, pain, and the occult. Yet the colors, the processing, and light are stunning — making for a dichotomy of emotions. Graphic.

Blessings, Spiderwitch

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