Tag Archives: Rhubarb

Scandinavian Dandelion Syrup )O(

Merry meet all,

Today an overcast sky darkens the gorgeous verdant green grounds here. The trees and plants are so bright green, resplendent against the dark sky. I just strolled through the garden, marveling at how fast everything is growing. They get big overnight, it’s amazing. 

The other day I concocted a brew of Scandinavian Dandelion Syrup. I am so proud of myself. It’s an actual syrup. Now I feel like a true herbalist! I have tried so many times and wasted so many herbs to make syrup. I finally did it! Here are some tips on how you can brew this awesome potion too!

Put on your herbalist hat and get outside! I took a bag and a pair of scissors with me. I ventured out to the nature trail where I collected fifty dandelions. Yep you read that right. You can collect more if you like but not less. I washed them at home and snipped off the green stems. Be sure to leave plenty of dandelions for the bees. Only pick dandelions that are healthy and undamaged. Pat them dry with a paper towel. 

Put all the dandelion flowers in a pot. Bring the dandelion tea to a boil then let it simmer for half an hour. Tip: Let the dandelions steep in the pot in the fridge overnight. It makes for a richer, more healthy tea. In the morning, strain the flowers and toss the flowers to the compost goddess. Chop up 1 rhubarb stalk, two apples, add the juice of a lemon, and let it simmer. Strain the tea again. Toss the fruit to the compost. Now you make the syrup. Measure how much tea you have and that will tell you how much sugar to add. Be sure to strain the tea well. I had two cups of the tea so I added the same amount of sugar. Let it boil but not scald on the stove. The tea will smell amazing. The sugar will dissolve. Leave it on the stove and occasionally stir until the liquid has evaporated but again, don’t scald the pot. Turn the heat off and allow it to cool. If you scald the mixture, it will change color and you don’t want that. The mixture should thicken as it cools. 

Pour the syrup into a sterile jar and leave it to thicken into the jar. The syrup should look and taste amazing! Now that I have enjoyed my own homemade syrup, I may never buy processed syrup again! I had so much syrup I split it with my Mom. The photo above shows the jar of syrup. See the gorgeous color? I am so proud to have brewed a jar of syrup! You will fall in love with it too. 

Store the dandelion syrup in the fridge. Pour it onto roasted root veggies or pancakes! Enjoy!

Blessings, Spiderwitch

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Filed under Paranormal and Witchy Fiction

Autumn Decorations

Merry meet all,

My favorite time of year is almost here! Autumn is a time of harvesting and the magic of Halloween. It’s hard to believe Halloween is 2 months away. 

Now is the time to plant garlic to harvest next late summer. It’s so easy. It’s better to plant organic garlic cloves than nonorganic. Organic cloves don’t have the germination inhibitors sprayed on them. Plant the cloves with the tip pointing up a few inches from each other. Cover with soil and water lightly. Next year, you can harvest fresh garlic. The garlic you grow in your garden tastes way better than the store bought garlic. 

Summer is the ideal season to enjoy corn. Why not make a corn doll to add to your autumnal celebrations for the season? This link tells you how to make one. Feel free to be as creative as you wish. https://feltmagnet.com/crafts/How-to-Make-Straw-Dolls#:~:text=How%20to%20Make%20a%20Female%20Corn%20Husk%20Doll.,5%20Step%205%3A%20Create%20the%20Clothing.%20More%20items

Here is a great way to make a corn husk doll too: https://www.wikihow.com/Make-a-Corn-Husk-Doll

Get some squash (it’s okay if it’s from the store and not your garden), and other autumnal decorations from a local craft shop. I don’t know about any of you but I can’t wait to make my abode look more festive. I love autumn. It truly is a magickal season. Make a pot of wholesome nutritious squash soup to enjoy while you conjure awesome fall decor in your home! 

You can also go out on a nature walk for findings. Acorns are everywhere now and flowers are withering. They sometimes dry and their colors change to gorgeous reds and browns. I want to make a harvest doll and hang it in my garden to symbolize my gratitude for the bounty from my garden.

Gather crab apples and bake an apple crisp. Rhubarb is done for the season now. Rhubarb crisp is delicious. Add garden grown strawberries for more flavor. Hang Indian corn in your apartment. Decorate with gourds, apples and orange candles. 

Now you have a festive theme! Mix and match it anyway you like. Add in incense and you’re all set. Nothing screams Witch more than autumn. This is our time. This is our power. 

Blessings, Spiderwitch 


Filed under Paranormal and Witchy Fiction