Tag Archives: religion

Witches in the Lime light )O(

Merry meet all,

I love the dark half of the year. Technically, here the weather constantly switches between overcast and rainy to sunny then overcast. I was busy today straining herbs and oils. I conjured a bottle of calendula oil and I combined lavender with mugwort into an amber coloured glass jar. I plan to use the oils for beauty recipes and witchy things. 

Speaking of witches… I want to post about a topic that deals with witches. I am familiar with the history of the Burning times, a dark stain on the history of Witches. We survived. We survived the searing burning pain of the flames and we are here now. We will never go away. We never left…We are essential. We are the bringers of light, healing, magic and the impetus for change. Witches are the movers and the shakers. Our cauldrons glow and pulse with magic and our brooms cause rains or cleanse a home of negative energy. 

I really want to post about something related to witches and witchcraft. But for the sake of all involved, I am not naming names here in this post. I just can’t resist the itch to post this but I do want to protect the privacy of those included here. It is professional that way. Ok so now that that is out of the way, here we go. I participated in an online course recently about parapsychology and demonology. I am so sad that I am not included any longer. I hope to continue the studies elsewhere. 

The director whose name I will not mention here has crossed a fine line. I mean he was able to obtain medical records from a person who I will not name. But then after obtaining the records, he violates the privacy of the person involved to discuss the person on his podcasts and workshops. I think that is a violation of privacy but that is only my opinion. It is certainly not carved in stone. I am sure the person involved never gave the director permission to discuss her predicament and mental health publicly and online. That is such a violation. Is she aware of that violation? I sure hope so. 

Just because one person doesn’t agree with a person’s religious or spiritual path doesn’t mean there is anything wrong with that person. I am relieved to have removed myself from the courses. I am sad that I can’t attend the Symposium next year. When I reflect on it, I have to ask myself why would I ever be interested in attending? If you are Catholic or Christian or a total bible thumper, then you would have the best time ever. I saw a person in the audience wave a cross in the air. I wanted to just whip out my pentacle and swing it at him rather briskly. Or sit next to him and get all witchy in his face. But I didn’t. I am glad I didn’t because then I was just giving them what they wanted and I am better than that. I would be no better than them and that is not the point here. 

The persecution will never end. It has left a dark mark in history and the recent events prove it will never go away. Now I know what parapsychology means. Now that I am aware of the meaning, I will be even more of a Witch. I mean we don’t belong in the ghetto. We are out of the ghetto now and we are never going back there. Those so called pompous self-righteous bigots who want to damn every single life form on earth that isn’t exactly like them and should then be damned for that. That is why I keep this blog. I believe that religion has its place and science does too. I like science not as much as I like art but I am sure science has its place. I don’t want to be that mean to a person and treat them like paranormal phenomena is all in their head. 

We witches have our place. We are out of the ghetto and in the lime light, the spotlight where we belong. We are not going away. We will stand strong against those who oppose us. The world is changing and the really religious people like Christians, Catholics and fundamentalists don’t have much choice in it. We all have to keep pace with the change. The world religions have their place and if it makes people happy, then power to you. Satanism and witchcraft – now don’t get me wrong or get bent out of shape by my words here – I am not lumping the two together at all in any shape and form – I am just saying it’s our turn. The other world religions while perhaps valid- had their turn. Now it’s ours. Let’s make it good and memorable and magical! 

The director blocked me from the courses and the paranormal page on his Facebook group. Fine. Let him. I have other roads to stroll down and other fields to frolic in. And every single road has lots of cauldrons, cats and broomsticks for me. I am free to be me there. I skip and cuddle my cat and ride to the moon. But following my own path means more room for me to be me, instead of being judged and persecuted. I just wish I could talk to that woman whose privacy was violated but if she handed her own medical records over, then maybe she was aware of what would transpire. One can only hope. 

I had hoped the world had become more accepting of those who are different, on the fringe. Well change is never easy. Yet change is the only constant. I hope the change is the one most desired and results in the most positive, most accepting change. Where people of all faiths and paths embrace each other and there is no wars over it. But that is a pipe dream and a naive way to view it, I know. 

I can still hope and dream. Be strong, dream. Be aware, be magical. Shine bright starlight

Blessings, Spiderwitch )O(

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Filed under Paranormal and Witchy Fiction, Samhain

Demons and Parapsychology

Merry meet all,

I’m so excited, because I am enrolled in the Demonology course at the CAPRI’s Parapsychological Education Center. “This course delves into the intriguing field of Demonology and Religious Parapsychology, offering a comprehensive understanding of demonic entities, exorcism practices and the relationship between religion and the paranormal.” Wow. Plenty to love about this course. I received a 10% discount because I bought a ticket to attend the Paranormal Symposium. With a course syllabus like that, it is easy to see why I would be interested … and a little scared. 

Demons? The fact that this course is being offered implies a little that they exist. I don’t want to think that they exist because demons are naturally evil. And I don’t believe that they exist. No one can say for sure. What I do know is that I will know more once I complete this course than I do now. I can’t wait but I have to wait till mid-October. I want to take the Parapsychology course as well. The Parapsychology course costs a little more but it is still affordable. I want to do both, hm, on top of my herbal studies and my writing, at least I won’t be suffering from boredom, far from it. 

I have to write a case study about one of the following paranormal cases: The Exorcism of Anneliese Michel, The Smurl haunting, the Enfield Poltergeist, or the Ammons Haunting. I would love to say these are all true cases but I can’t. I would love to say they may all have truth to them. It is hard for me to say. They all sound intriguing so I think I will have a hard time picking one out of those choices. I believe in the case of Anneliese Michel though. I read about that. That poor girl, she suffered from something. I am on the fence about the Ammons Haunting. I don’t believe the kid walked up the hospital wall because in the video, his mother or a relative is helping him up the wall. Now if he did it on his own and he looked way more creepy while he did it. I know there was lead and asbestos in the house which can lead to health complications and cause hallucinations. I am on the fence about the Enfield haunting and the Smurl haunting. It is so hard for me to say which is true and which is not. I have never been to those locations. 

On the other hand, I have had more than my own share of legitimate paranormal encounters/ experiences. I try not to judge too harshly. I keep an open mind. So I really do look forward to taking these courses. It helps a lot that my herb course is for 2 years. I can achieve a lot of other stuff in the interim. 

I am so happy that I found the Paranormal Phenomena Research & Investigation group. I feel better since I have been alone so long being a medium. It has come with challenges. I am up for meeting those challenges. I just don’t feel so alone now. It is a huge relief and they share my passions. It is a win-win! 

October is shaping up already to be a lot of fun! And right now, it is only mid-September. I would love to hear about your own paranormal or Samhain plans! Let me know in the comments below!

Blessings, Spiderwitch 


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Filed under Paranormal and Witchy Fiction

Horror and Religion )O(


Merry meet all,

The long-awaited news!!! The anthology Wax and Wane: A Gathering of Witch Tales is finally released!!! You can  find the link to Amazon in the previous post. Fly on your broomsticks and buy a copy!!! Let some magick into your life with these spell-binding stories. The book is also available on Kindle, Mobi and ePub.

I saw The Witch movie recently. At first, the movie frightened me so badly I crashed at my Mom’s. Now that I think about it, I don’t hate it and I also initially didn’t believe that Thomasin, a character from the film, was liberated by joining the diabolical Devil’s coven but if you look at it from that context, she was liberated. There are a few ways to look at this. But mainly the movie was from the mindset of the Puritan Calvinism back then. If they actually believed all that stuff, then I think they were mentally fucked. Sorry for the language. I found parts of the movie disturbing and upsetting. I did enjoy the authentic cinematography and the black goat stole the show. When I shifted my perspective of the movie, then I decided that I enjoyed it.



I hope you enjoy the above links.  The Witch movie raises the bar for horror movies. Religion and horror have always worked together well in movies and fiction and will continue to in the future. Take The Exorcist or Rosemary’s Baby as examples.

To be a Witch is to be liberated. So now I don’t hate the movie. It delivered a potent message. But we don’t worship the Devil. I don’t anyway. I own an animal skull and I do admit I want to own a real human skull but I might buy a resin skull (within my budget). I can program and empower it to do things for me. I honor my ancestors but I don’t take it to a negative level. I practice in my own way and feel comfortable with that. It’s important to maintain a balance in life.

Blessings, Lady Spiderwitch

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Filed under Paranormal and Witchy Fiction