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The Virus Conondrum

Merry meet all,

The world has changed almost overnight. The entire planet holds their breath as a virus sweeps over the continents, forcing millions into panic and isolation. I am shocked at how many people are hoarding and panic buying. It has made it hard for those who truly deserve it. Here in Nova Scotia, for the first time if you are behind on your rent and having trouble paying your rent, you can’t be evicted. Shopping hours just for seniors are now a thing. It is free to take the bus but you must board from the back. People here are coming together. We are hardy stock, and a Facebook Group now is on Facebook called Caremongering: I got help for paying for food. So even though there is some bad, there is also some good.

At the same time, the government is trying its hardest to ensure that the people have no power to think for themselves. The way they do that is to induce panic and fear as far and wide as they can. I received $50 from the government today. I was grateful but I saw right through the scheme. The grocery store Superstore I often visit because it lives right close near me was thankfully busy with customers. No, that is a good thing. What was not good was that I had to walk a long way to get to the entrance where they let me in and they had a limit on how many people were permitted to enter inside. The customers were able to wipe down their carts which they did with an alarming paranoia. That is the word here: paranoia. I wasn’t allowed anywhere near the front of the bus. The freakin useless paranoia has given the government the power and it has the people right where it wants them. I don’t buy into this alarming mindless paranoia and panic that the rest of society has gobbled like they were rabid fleas after a dog. The fear which should never exist in the first place is so deeply entrenched in their minds they are doing the very thing the gov’t wants: not once questioning all of this. We have survived SARS, Ebola, H1N1, and many other diseases including the Black Plague. and guess what: I bet there is no virus and the only scary virus I have seen transferred from person to person is this: FEAR.  Yes that’s right. 

I want to distance myself from all the mindless acceptance of this fearmongering. I can’t even be on Facebook without getting squeamish. It’s everywhere on Facebook, it’s inescapable there. I am instead spending more time with my cat and posting pics of my cat on Instagram. I don’t need a buspass. I don’t need to show my buspass when I board a bus. I can only board the bus from the back and like the mindless robots they all are, am not allowed to the front of the bus. See how fast society teaches you fear? Isn’t that scary? Well if you can think for yourself, it would be scary. And I am- and I am so sick of this paranoia, opting instead to be alone to escape that mindless crap. Noam Chomsky expressed it so well: 

Image may contain: possible text that says 'PHILOTHOUGHTS The conception of democracy is the one that I mentioned. The bewildered herd is a problem... You've got to keep them pretty scared, because unless they're properly scared and frightened of all kinds of devils that are going to destroy them from outside or inside or or somewhere, they may start to think, which is very dangerous. Noam Chomsky PHILOTHOUGHTS'

Here is some more good cheer: 

For those of you in self-isolation, allow me to enliven your quarantine. Why not buy and read my books I am published in? If horror is your thang, here are some suggestions!

Wax and Wane: A Gathering of Witchy Tales
Samhain Secrets
One Night in Salem
Untimely Frost Poetry Unthawed
Whispers of Mermaids and Wonderful Things

These books are all available on Amazon; Whispers of Mermaids is sold at Chapters. If you do get them and live in Halifax, I can autograph them too. They are great books and have very entertaining stories. After you read these fantastique books, and you had your steaming hot java, then you can peruse Penny’s antics on Instagram at #pennygingercat!!!!
Enjoy!! Buy those books!!!

 Reading can help make the quarantine a more pleasant experience. I encourage you all to indeed buy these books. It’s even better with a purring cat in your lap and some coffee!! And no, you can’t get a virus from your kitty or pooch- but you might get kisses!! Much better, in my opinion. 

I hope you all stay safe, my dear readers. We will all see the end of this virus and soon it will be spring. Today is spring equinox. Don’t let all this scare mongering prevent you from enjoying what we have all anticipated for weeks now. It is the first day of spring! Enjoy it!! 

Blessings, Spiderwitch

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Filed under magic, Ostara, Paranormal and Witchy Fiction, spring