Tag Archives: painting

Inspirations in spring

Merry meet all,

Imbolc is approaching! I can feel the first stirrings of spring because I have been hit with a huge creativity urge. I have planned out painting the bathroom walls -with a resident cat here, painting the bathroom tub area which desperately needs to be done because my landlord sure ain’t going to do it and painting these wooden legs to go on my altar. 

I plan to get the bathroom immaculately clean. It really needs to be done and not just because I am going to paint in there, although that is a huge part of it. Spring cleaning is a big part of spring and a wonderful way to welcome the long-awaited return of spring. I certainly plan to spring clean. My apartment really needs it and I love a fresh clean home. 

The bathroom renovation will be a ton of work.  I am sure it will be beautiful when I am all done. I plan to add more plants and amethyst crystals too. I want the big chunks of amethyst and not just the small ones. I googled witchy bathrooms online and I love what I saw. Of course, those images are all doctored to make it look that great but that is a good place to start to get inspired. 

I want to add a new nightstand and two new dressers to the bedroom. I plan to assemble the bookcases at my Mom’s place and paint them there. I have already made some changes in the bedroom. I installed two hooks on the side of the green bookcase and hung two witch brooms and my stand. That got them off the floor. I swept the area and now the black lap desk rests underneath the bookcase, giving the area an uncluttered look. 

I own a lovely black chest that holds my witchy supplies for spells. I touched it up with black paint and now the wooden chest looks brand new. I sorted through the items in the chest, tossed what no longer serves me and I kept what is still beautiful to me and useful. Now I have a clean wooden chest and I am one step closer to something that has long been an aspiration of mine: to get my altar off the floor. 

Tomorrow I am painting the wooden table legs (for my altar) with primer then I paint them black on Wednesday. My Mom will help me attach them to the altar. I will remove everything from the altar, clean and refresh it, and we will attach the table legs. I want to paint them black the same color as the altar with green vines. It will look great. I am so excited about this project. I currently hate having my altar on the floor. It makes it so awkward for me. Having it up off the floor elevates it to new levels, for sure!

Then I will sage it and dress the altar for Imbolc which is fast approaching. So first I will paint the altar table legs, then paint the bathroom walls then paint the bathtub in the bathroom. I will do just one project at a time. My Mom said I could borrow all her painting supplies, which saves me a ton of money. She is also sharing the paint for the bathroom walls with me, again which saves me money. 

I do believe I have a drop cloth in storage in the broom closet. Painting is a pain in the butt with a cat here in my apartment so I plan to move her litter box to the kitchen to avoid her being in my way. I don’t want to have a lot of cat hair in the paint or stuck to the walls. It will be hard enough to do all this. 

Change is in the air… but that is part of spring. I might add hooks and paint them white to match the bathroom walls above the trim. I will then arrange vines and fairy lights around the large bathroom mirror to soften the harsh perfectly square mirror frame. I have no idea why I didn’t think of that before. I can get ivy vines from outside. it grows abundantly on the maple tree in the front yard. That will be very handy. Ivy symbolizes resurrection, healing and is good for binding lovers together. Well I don’t have a love life but I like the other symbolism. 

I have plenty to keep me occupied for the next few weeks! In other news, I am still working on edits for my novella. I ordered these cool prints from Stamprints and I want to add them to the book I bound myself. They are so cool. I think I will wait until I fill the book with poems and then add them. I have a lot of those leaves to add too. I bought a bottle of Mod Podge glue. I am waiting a long time, way too long, for a witch broom to come in the mail. I am unsure why the order is taking such a snail’s age to arrive. I am still waiting for the new issue of Witches and Pagans magazine to arrive in the mail. 

I am so happy because my article that was printed in the Plant Healer Quarterly magazine is also published in a book. Here are some links : https://www.amazon.ca/Materia-Medica-IV-Botany-Herbalists/dp/B0CNKPZP38/ref=sr_1_1?crid=QWPLBNXQOA9&keywords=Materia+Medica+IV%3A+Botany+For+Herbalists.&qid=1705955453&sprefix=materia+medica+iv+botany+for+herbalists+%2Caps%2C100&sr=8-1

The paperback copy can be found on Amazon at the above link. I am honoured and happy to be included. Now, turning over to the more horror side of things, the editor of the Horror Zine, Jeani Rector, has been voted the best magazine/ Ezine editor in the Critters Annual Readers Poll 2023. She published my short story and my poetry. I am happy to be published in a publication that was accorded that honour. The Horror Zine, her zine, was also voted the Best Fiction magazine/ Ezine by the same poll for 2023. 

Here is the link to the website: https://thehorrorzine.com/

The Spring issue is now available on Amazon so go get a copy right now!!! Cozy up with these awesome publications I am in to keep you busy this winter. It will be spring before we know it. 

Blessings, Spiderwitch 

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