Tag Archives: cryptid

The Outer Realm of the Paranormal

Merry meet all,

I have really enjoyed listening to the podcast The Outer Realm hosted by Michelle DesRochers and Amelia Pisano. I can’t get enough of their podcast. I am even a convert to Folgers Coffee. I have subscribed to their podcast and I am quickly becoming a loyal listener. The podcast is so amazing that I can’t imagine missing a single podcast. 

I love podcasts, more than movies. They provide entertainment in a way that movies don’t and the podcasts are in line with my passions and interests. I have learned a lot since listening to her podcast. Yes I do love podcasts and I love her podcast – it is all about the paranormal: ETs, alien encounters and some other topics. The other topics have ranged from ghosts, animal empaths and historical horror novels like Dracula.

Michele and Amelia are intelligent, down to earth and compassionate. They are super nice and they are great listeners. Maybe I can be on their podcast some day. I would love that. 

I just bought a fascinating magazine titled Ghosts and Hauntings: Spectres, Spooks & Restless Spirits. The magazine was produced by Fortean Times: The World of Strange phenomena. I have to finish reading the book The Witch’s Guide to the Paranormal. I started reading it and I haven’t finished it but I will soon. I want to actually write the book on ghosts and other things that go bump in the night. I will likely do a lot of research for my book. I have started writing it and I am really excited. I have been blogging on the paranormal for years. I have completed under a thousand posts. It is my passion and life. I am quite excited and it feels good to be writing something new. I also want to read a book I bought titled Deathbed Visions. I bet that will be a good book! The book was written by Sir William Barrett. 

I doubt I will self-publish the book. I can get the book traditionally published, I am sure and I can’t afford to cover the costs involved with self-publishing. Maybe this is the right time for to write this book on ghosts and clairvoyance. I had to have a bit of life experience before I could write it. I mean, the paranormal is my life and I hope that readers can feel my passion as they read. 

I bought a small bird house and a bottle of brown acrylic paint from Dollarama today. I plan to paint the birdhouse brown and make it a bat house. The green and white bookcase that I assembled where I store most of my paranormal books is for horror titles. A bat house will be a welcome spooky addition to the bookcase. It will hang from a hook and the bats are welcome to inhabit the little house and hang out there. 

Tonight I listened to Lights out Podcast. I am now listening to The Paranormal 60 hosted by Dave Schrader. His guest is discussing the phenomena about black eyed kids. I have never seen a black eyed kid myself but many people have claimed to have seen them. They sound eerie and unsettling. I am not exactly holding my breath waiting for an encounter with them. 

There is so much to learn about the paranormal and all the strange beings that come with it. Aliens, angels, demons, skin walkers, black eyed kids, grey aliens, wendigos, Bigfoot, etc. I think it is important to maintain a balanced, open mind about it. There is way more talk about the paranormal than ever before. I know we have the benefit of unprecedented ease of global communication. I think that is part of it but I also think that something like a portal opened. Now, this portal is open and it was done in such a way that some beings crossed over. Whatever has opened the portal or inter dimensional portal doesn’t want to seal it and doesn’t care about the human race. It could have been aliens, a person or something. Now that something has opened like a portal, a portly? lol, I don’t think there is any closing it. It’s like a Pandora’s box. 

We may see weirder things in the future, which scares me. The earth is suffering from the fact that her resources are being so wantonly wasted, climate change, war, crime and poverty. These are just a handful of the issues we are facing today. On a paranormal level, it may become common to see black eyed kids, aliens and other cryptid creatures. The future is so uncertain and fascinating at the same time. We can at least have an open mind and still protect ourselves- or you just may have an experience yourself!

Blessings, Spiderwitch





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