Tag Archives: cloak

Witchy Creativity )O(

Merry meet all,

I am suffering from another burst of awesome creative energy. The stars must be aligned! I hemmed and mended my black wool cloak. I also finally added this beautiful silvery and blue Celtic dragon trim to the cloak. It’s not finished but the trim does look truly cool on the cloak. I hope to finish sewing the cloak this weekend. 








The trim goes over the hood and down the opening sides of the cloak- both left and right. I love how it looks. It is so cool. I added the trim to enhance the cloak. The dragon trim is turned toward me, facing inward to protect me. I have had enough of the negative energy sent my way. As I pinned the trim to the cloak to be sewn in, I projected a protective energy for the dragons to protect me. I am sure the dragons will protect me while I wear it this fall. I finished the cloak today. I completed the lining hem and sewed on the trim. I am so happy, and the cloak looks so beautiful!










Dragons are powerful creatures and a strong symbol in many cultures. Tolkien loved dragons as do I. I have dragon bookends, dragon pen holders, dragon trinkets, dragon candlesticks, dragon censers, you get the picture. I love dragons. Dragons are an important symbol in China. Yup I love dragons. I leave gemstones next to my dragons too to keep them well fed and have something to protect. They get bored otherwise.

I plan to repair a treasured book titled Tales of Magic and Enchantment. I love the book so much. I had this book since my childhood. The book is falling apart due to wear and tear and age. I have a large piece of davy board to glue onto the back of the book. I scanned a picture in from the book which I shall glue onto the back cover. It will look great. 

I love witchy gowns! I love to wear witchy gowns in black of course! I love the dresses and gowns online but I am not rich by any means. I have a black swishy dress that is very Arwen- ish and witchy! I want to add more fabric near the hem as godets to make the hem way witchier and swishier! It will look great. I like to enhance what I already own. It saves me a lot of money, with the exception of the Viking Nordic apron dress I ordered. There is no way I could recreate that on my own. It would cost a fortune too. 










My next creative project will involve spiderweb lace and black goose feathers. I have a black spiderweb lace shawl and I want to order goose feathers from Amazon. Then I want to adhere the feathers to the shawl. I can’t wait to do that project and I just know it will look cool. That should keep me busy!

In a few days, I am off – or should I say, on board for the movie The Last voyage of the Demeter. I can’t wait to see it. I am in the midst of writing a short story, though it may be longer, about a murderous mandrake root ghoul. I am editing my novella Queen of the Arachnas for submission as well. I have gathered a few herbs for drying and pressing too. I love summer. Enjoy every minute of it. It doesn’t last, not in the Maritimes. I am ready for fall!

Blessings, Spiderwitch 





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Filed under magic, Paranormal and Witchy Fiction, Samhain

Solstice Cauldron

Merry meet all,

It’s a hot day today. It’s rained here all week which helped the firemen to control the wildfire. I am ready for more sun though. I planted a spearmint seedling in the garden. It didn’t regrow this spring. My garden is just beautiful and everything is growing so fast! 

I finished the bookcase project. The two bookcases are now at my Mom’s house and I have one tall bookcase holding a LOT of books. I also switched the witch books with my writing books. That was a huge undertaking. I sorted out the ones I wanted to donate which left me with enough room to hold all the books I did want. It took me a couple of hours to sort through. I have way more room in my bedroom now. I love it!

I finished binding my Herbal Academy lessons in the Intermediate level into books. I had to touch up the covers with green tissue paper, paint and glue but it looks great now. The Celtic dragon trim arrived in the owl mail. I can’t wait to sew that onto the black wool cloak. The cloak will look great. 

Midsummer is almost here! The Wheel of the Year turns again. It’s a magical Sabbat! Honour the fiery power of the sun by going outdoors! Yup that’s right. Let the warm breeze sweep away your troubles. It’s summer, after all. Gather flowers, herbs, leaves and press them or use them to decorate cookies. Host a summer party, go to the beach or indulge in forest bathing. Plant herbs , veggies and flowers and tend them as they grow. As you plant each seed, empower it with your intention and bless the seeds. 

Try a new herbal recipe, educate yourself about herbs that you aren’t familiar with, and go for a long walk on a nature trail or to the forest with a plant guide book or your cellphone app to help you identify plants. Take your dog with you! They love the outdoors. 

Burn candles to celebrate the solstice! There is a ban on fires here in Nova Scotia so I have to settle for candles. Bake garlic and herb bread, brew some mead or cider, and wear a pretty sundress and pair it with a witchy hat. Spritz on an essential oil perfume mix and sunscreen. Men can wear whatever they feel comfortable in too. Then get out there! Summer was meant to be enjoyed. 

I wish you all a wonderful Solstice!

Blessings, Spiderwitch 

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Filed under Paranormal and Witchy Fiction

Romancing the Dark Side- in defence of the “Dark Arts’.


Merry meet all,

I explore graveyards. I worship my ancestors at my ancestors altar. I read dark fiction and hold a fascination with the paranormal. I love bats and cats and the moon. I own a ghosts and spirits tarot deck. I go where few dare to tread. Yet I see nothing wrong with writing horror. My mother doesn’t like it even though she supports what I do. She knows why I do what I do but she has her own opinions, which she is entitled to. 

Most Wiccans, ok some, are the fluff bunny type. I’m going out on a wire here and dare to cross a line. I am all about honouring nature. I own a garden where I grow herbs and flowers. I am aware of the environmental issues and I do my part as best I can. There is only one planet Earth. We should take care of her or we will have nowhere to practice our craft. The moon is a poor replacement. Seriously. 

I love to burn black candles, wear black nail polish and black clothes. I read the book Memento Mori yet couldn’t drum up the same enthusiasm from others and wondered why. I was called the Grim Reaper for wearing a black cloak- in my defence, I was cold! I like to include the darker gods and goddesses in my practice and my writings. I own skulls and don’t shy away from the darker herbs. Skulls don’t scare me. Crows have warned me of a death. I don’t hurt spiders and can’t fathom why some people sprinkle spider killing powders in their homes. They are the world’s best insect predators. Where would we be without them? I am one of the few grey or darker witches in Halifax. 


But it all started when I found out about necromancy. I finally found my calling. I plan to perform the pact ritual where you basically sell your soul back to yourself. You reclaim your power. I just need to obtain a few ‘provisions’, such as a lancet, herbs, a skeleton key, a mirror, a skull. Once I have everything, I will be able to perform the ritual. I finally found something deeper- and darker, but I was searching for that ‘deeper something’ and found it. I think this truly hearkens back to the Witches of Olde. 

If this is my calling, I don’t mind. I revel in it. I get odd looks when I walk out in public, cloaked. I am one of the few who do. I see it as something with substance. I mean honouring a flower is all good and well but not the same thing. Ancestor worship should be done all year not just on October 31st. So it comes as no shock to know I perform an ancestral supper on October 31st, on Samhain eve. 

I just completed a 5-day Tarot plunge course. The course was offered online. I enjoyed the course and learned new things and was reminded of what I already knew. It was fun to do. I plan to finish my paranormal novel and send it off to editors. A friend is reading it right now. I might write a chapbook of horror themed poetry. I applied to attend the StokerCon festival hosted by the Horror Writers Association. 

Black roses unfurl! Show us your glory! Let bats swoop through the nights and owls pursue mice. Black candles burn, their flickers whisper secrets to the moonlight. I may be alone in my deep plunge into this darkness but it is oh so satisfying, more than just plain old navel gazing. I keep a photo of my grandfather on my altar. I loved him in life and honour him in death. I am sure he watches over me. I want to learn all I can about it. 

So to those who are like me, you’re not alone. Blessings to you!

Lady Spiderwitch )O(

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Filed under Paranormal and Witchy Fiction