Samhain Style )O(

Merry meet all,

Happy Mabon! Fall is here. I have been busy decorating my apartment for fall/ Samhain. I set up my goth ghost tree. I sipped cider and listened to classic Halloween tunes as I did. I painted wooden ghosts white, orange and black and hung them up on the tree. I found a few cool items at the dollar store and added them to the tree. I hung a black leaf garland on the bookcase, and wound orange lights through the garland and then added orange fabric pumpkins to the garland. I love how it all looks- playful and wicked at the same time. That is the spirit of fall. For those of you who are already keen to decorate, then keep reading. 










I roasted pumpkin seeds, brewed a pot of cider and I just found my halloween altar cloths, tapestries and a brown tablecloth I made myself. I repaired my black lace maxi skirt and washed it. The skirt is ready to wear. I am so happy about that. I plan to wear it to the Paranormal Symposium. I feel the magical chill in the air as fiery leaves trickle to the earth. It’s the Season of the Witch, for sure. I love this time of year. 

I even made a tree skirt for my goth tree. I used a grey spider print plastic table cover. I cut a hole in the centre for the centre of the goth tree pole then I arranged it around the tree. You can’t see it in the photo above but it is cool and my cat sits on it. I am ready for Samhain now and I hope you are too. 










Decorations don’t have to cost a whole credit card or your entire life savings. I barely spent any money on my decorations. October is a magical time of year but it is only once a year. I never feel that I have to spend a fortune. If you keep that in mind and buy decorations that can be used more than once a year, then you will find better items to purchase. That is how I always look at it. 

I use items from nature and herbs. I harvested all the Chinese lanterns. They ripen to a lovely orange colour. Pumpkins can be used for decoration of course, as well as acorns, pinecones, and gourds. Don’t buy the fake ones from the store. Forage for your own goodies! You can use them in spells as well. You can draw up more energy for spells from a real gourd or acorn. I never buy plastic pinecones. I live near a nature trail so it is easy for me to find nature treasures. Nothing I love more than harvesting and foraging for acorns, pinecones, apples, herbs. If you want tips on how to clean them to avoid pests, then peruse the past blog posts. 

My garden is winding down. The leaves turn gold and red. I still have celery, tomatoes (a few, thanks to the hurricane), and green peppers growing. It is hardly the harvest I was hoping for. I’m keeping an eye for when the frost hits and I still haven’t planted garlic. I still want to grow carrots. Carrots can handle a frost. I strolled through the nature trail. Sadly, I am not sure what happened to the elder shrubs but there are not nearly the same amount of elderberries as last year. I want to make elderberry syrup but I may have to buy the berries at the organic food store this year. The shrubs were almost bare of berries. That had to be due to Hurricane Lee. 

Here is more inspiration to satisfy your decorating itch!

I found this article too:

Do what works for you and reflects your personal style. You can go with a theme of ghouls, zombies, or more classic and subtle halloween decorations, whatever strikes your fancy. It looks like Samhain all year in my apartment but that is just me. Let me know what inspired you in the comments. 

Blessings, Spiderwitch 







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