My Garden in bloom 2024 )O(

Merry meet all,

Today’s post will focus on my garden. Everything is in bloom and budding and green. I love it. The ferns are already huge and beautiful. I bought several herb transplants but I haven’t planted them yet. I am still waiting for the frost to pass. 








My bleeding heart plant is sporting lovely pink heart-shaped blossoms. My herbs are up – lemon balm, mints, mugwort, nettle, chives, raspberry leaves, and other plants such as lungwort, hostas, lily of the valley, lady’s mantle, astilbe, my witch hazel shrub and the lovely large sage plant I was gifted. The garlic is also growing quite nicely. 










The birds are singing their hearts out. A bee pollinated my yellow haskap flowers and the lungwort flowers. The woodruff, dandelions, forget me nots and periwinkle are all greeting spring with their beautiful blossoms.










Every day the plants are bigger and prettier. I love being in my garden! I am happy now because the weather is now just warm enough, like it reminds me why I am alive. My garden reduces my stress. Gardening has always had that effect on people. It is really hard for me to be truly miserable if a gorgeous green garden beckons me. My cute cat too!

I planted beans and johnny jump ups. The other day I found violets. I want to return to that spot. I am debating with myself on whether I want to forage for dandelions. I am not bothering to forage for burdock root. Every burdock I see is already a 2 year plant and the roots are best when it is 1 year roots. 

I want to harvest a lot of lily of the valley blossoms because I want to make a scented oil with them. I bet the scent will be heavenly. I plan to invest in a laminator and press flowers too. It is now flower season. I plan to forage and press a lot of flowers. I want to make and sell greeting cards with the pressed flowers! I couldn’t be happier. 

In other news, I plan to transfer to the Herbal Academy revamped Advanced clinical herbalism course! The publisher and I will be soon doing edits on my novella and begin production after that. I am happy about that. My dream come true! 

Blessings, Spiderwitch )O(

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