Spring Clean )O(

Finished Paint Job


Merry meet all,

Today’s post is  about how I was inspired to spring clean in the biggest way. This weekend I completed a BIG project. I have wanted to paint the bathroom for the longest time. Now I finally did it.

The bathroom was such an eyesore. The bathroom desperately needed it. I am not talking about a deep cleaning, no, I mean a paint job to enhance and upscale the bathroom. That meant it would take some serious elbow grease. But I was up to the task. 

I did clean the bathroom first. I removed the hooks, photos, seashells, litter box, curtains, shelving stands etc., everything that needed to be moved. I scrubbed every inch of the bathroom. Like seriously clean. I had to in order for the paint job to work. Then I gathered up my painting supplies – paint tray, roller brushes, a paintbrush, cans of paint, cleaning rags, everything I would need. My cat Penny stayed with my Mom for the duration of the project. 

I began with a coat of white primer. I got the primer paint into every nook and cranny and all over the walls. I even almost painted the ceiling. Once I had finished the coat of primer, I stood back and surveyed the bathroom. It almost totally looked better. That night I painted more primer on the baseboards, wainscoting and trim. I also patched holes with the caulking. I tried to seal as many holes and cracks as I could with the caulking glue. It looked so much better. I was exhausted that night. 








The next day I drank some coffee and got to work on the first paint job with the beige paint. I edged the mirror frames and the towel holders with green painters tape. I love love painters tape. I made sure the walls were clean and painted the walls beige. It was so much work. I used a roller brush for the first time and I love roller brushes. I only had the basic necessities in the bathroom – toilet paper, a face cloth which ended up being used to get paint or caulking off my hands. I wore a casual outfit I would not want to be seen in but that I would not mind if paint got on it which did happen. Yes the drop cloth was useless. I put newspaper down on the floor.

Also during this time, I damaged something in the toilet tank. I had to find a quick way to fix it. I knew my landlord would never fix it. He turned off the heat again and my Mom emailed him. Soon after, the heat was restored. 










It is late spring here, mid- April but it is still cold. I was so sore and exhausted by the time I was done. I also could not have showers in the bathroom so my aching muscles ached more. My bedroom was full of the stuff that was usually stored in the bathroom. I felt a bit like I was camping out in my own apartment. But it was slowly coming together. 










I visited my Mom to see my cat. She missed me and while my cat stayed with her, Penny hissed at my Mom 5 times. I think that was Penny’s way of saying she missed me. But the bathroom went from bland to beautiful in a short amount of time. That night I went home and made more small touches to the bathroom. I painted the hooks at the bathroom window white. I left the nail in the wall for the painting. That made it easier that once the paint was dry (the 2nd coat) I could just hang the painting. I know it was hard work but the satisfaction I derived from seeing the bathroom come to life made it worth it. On the day of the second and final coat of paint, I was really tired. I really needed to get clean and see my cat.

Still, I didn’t leave the bathroom until I was sure I was done. My roller brush called it quits much to my dismay. The larger roller brush was totally cursed or something because it refused to work for me. I had to do the last stretch of painting using the paint brush. Once I was finally all done, I noticed the beige paint coated the ceiling a few inches out all along the ceiling. I used the white primer paint to touch up the ceiling edges and make it look neat and clean. By this time, I was thoroughly exhausted and sweaty. I was able to have a hot soak at my Mom’s and shortly after a hot meal, Penny and I returned home. I worried she would get her claws on the walls or that the walls would be covered in her fur in no time at all. But no, it’s all ok. I stood in the bathroom and marvelled at the amazing change. 










I let the paint to dry and settle for 24 hours then I returned the furniture to the bathroom: the litter box (which I kept in the bathtub) and the two stands. At first, I kept it all away from the wall. Now that the paint has dried more, I added the laundry hamper next to the glass and stainless steel stand. I hung up the shower curtain, returned the blue rug, cleaned up the exterior of the litter box. I folded the now clean blue curtain in half and laid it out on an ironing board. I laid it all down nice and neat and flat. I pinned the lower fabric to the top half of the curtain and hung it up in the bathroom. 

I find myself looking for excuses just to be in the bathroom. I just stand and stare at how much more beautiful it turned out. It stuns me. I believe the beige/ taupe/coffee color totally enhances the bathroom and makes it look fresh and almost ethereal. I thought my black shower curtain would appear out of place but that’s not the case. I cleaned up the now defunct roller brushes, drop cloth, painter tape, newspapers, and whatever else was trash into a black garbage bag and took it to the dumpster. I found a new toothbrush and stocked up on toilet paper. 

I guess the cold white paint of the windowframe is ok. I hung up my bathrobe on the hook and sorted the medicine cabinet closet. I got rid of the garbage and cleaned the vanity below- a little cupboard space. I made everything fresh and clean. I love how the bathroom paint renovation turned out. It’s so beautiful. I took a bath this morning. I swept the floor, cleaned the sink and mirror, and mopped the floor again. 

I hope today’s post inspires you to try refreshing your own home this spring! Upscale! Clean! Upgrade. It’s your home and your life and you deserve it. 

Blessings, Spiderwitch

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